Thursday, January 23, 2020

Autopoint with Metal Cap

Autopoint is an interesting company to mechanical pencil collectors because, unlike many other pencil makers, they weren't particularly obsessed with pens.  Yes, they made them, but it was pencils that were the mainstay of the company.

This black, ten-sided, nose-drive pencil has a ribbed metal cap covering the eraser.  At 5.75 inches, it is long and slim, too, with a plain, straight clip.  Sadly, the clip's chrome finish is in poor condition.  Under the cap is where to look for the Autopoint mark:  "Autopoint" in italic script, "PAT AND PATS PENDING, MADE IN USA, CHICAGO."

Thanks to Jon Veley for dating this pencil to the mid-1940s.  The model was called the "new lightweight" Model 72, and a notice has been inscribed on the side of the pencil that it is "FOR Real Thin LEAD."  The words Real Thin are in the font Realite used on their pencil clips.  Realite owned the Autopoint company from 1923 on, calling the merged company Autopoint Products Company.

In spite of its slightly tatty condition, I like this unassuming pencil.  It makes me want to look at Autopoints more often.

The Autopoint Twinpoint is discussed here:

Two Realites are shown here:


  1. Nice pencil, Martha - as you may know, I just released a comprehensive history of Autopoint titled "A Century of Autopoint" to commemmorate the company's formal organization in 1920. Your pencil appears on page 145 and was Autopoint's "new lightweight" Model 72 Autopoint. I noted in the book that the bolted-on clips on this model were replaced with this clip, patented by Erik Petau, "by 1948," but a 1945 catalog which recently surfaced also shows this configuration.

    1. Jon, I would be interested in this history. If its something you are sharing or selling please contact me at

  2. Thanks for sharing such a nice piece of information with us.Cap eraser
